Solving the riddle of managing your money.
Everyone wants financial security, but few people feel in control of their finances. Too often, we let a few bad decisions about money turn into a much bigger problem. Whether we're in debt or totally secure, rich or poor, all of us need to learn the principles of managing our money.
In this book, Ed Miller shares his personal experiences with money, and he articulates the financial principles that helped him become financially stable and secure. For him, learning about money has been an amazing journey. The word journey is important because learning these principles has been a process.
For instance, his conviction to avoid paying full price for anything began when he saw the markup on china and silverware when he worked in a jewelry store at age 15. He learned some of these lessons the hard way, but then again, that's how most of us learn them.
He addresses a wide range of of very important and practical topics: from getting out of debt to investing, from insurance to paying for a home and college education, from beginning to save to the joys of radical generosity. These principles are essential for anyone who wants to become an expert in managing personal finances.

About Ed Miller
Ed is a very disciplined planner. At the inception of his career in the pharmaceutical industry, Ed set a lofty goal of retiring at age 57. The work ethic and saving principles passed along from his late parents served him well. Not only did he retire two years ahead of his goal at age 55, he retired DEBT FREE.
Since retirement, Ed's passion has shifted to helping others live a debt-free life. Many of the principles outlined in his book can be replicated to deliver similar results to those willing to apply them.